Explore is our second Directory child theme. Just like Emblem before it, Explore presents a big departure from the relatively simple stock Directory design. At the end of the day, that is what these child themes are meant to do; offer unique designs but keep the awesome features. For more details on Directory itself (the parent theme), please click here. Inspired by our free Video theme, Explore features dark colors with grey and white text. Similar to Emblem, focus of the homepage isn’t the map, instead it’s a big and customizable slider. Listing details within individual pages have been redesigned so they are easier to read and navigate. Adding a review is also more enjoyable due to the new horizontal approach. Just like the parent Directory theme, Explore also comes with a fully responsive design allowing it to look awesome on virtually any desktop or mobile device. To see the responsive layout in action be sure to visit the Explore demo site. Major Directory update coming up In the next few days the parent Directory theme will get a substantial update. A post upgrade feature, something that many of you have requested will be included inside the Directory core. Just as the name suggests, the feature will allow visitors to upgrade their submitted post before it expires. Until now, changing the price package was available only during renewals (once the post had expired). Cool thing about this is that the feature will be included within the Tevolution plugin. In other words, all Tevolution-powered themes (like Nightlife, Automotive, etc) will also benefit from this improvement. Explore is available as both a standalone theme and as part of a bundle with Directory. The standalone theme product can only be purchased by existing Directory owners, but the bundle can be purchased by anyone. For pricing details click on the “Purchase Explore” button below. Of course, don’t forget to use the comments if you have any questions about Explore. View Live Demo, take a Test Drive or Purchase Explore
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