The two most important aspects of having a successful Online Rental Site (Hotels/Motels/Villa) Seeing is Booking: Have high quality web page demonstrating your property’s high quality images Booking Flow: once they like your property provide a hassle free experience to book a stay. If you don’t make it easy for them to book a stay with you, then you’re losing out on the vast majority of potential online bookings! Here we brought professional booking engine compatibility for you from start to finish, so that your guests love you from the very first click. The best way to sell is by evoking some type of emotion.It really depends on your type of property, and who you are trying to attract.To trigger emotion you need to make sure that guests want to picture themselves comfortably staying at your property for the duration of their break. This is why your website needs to contain comprehensive information about your property and local area. 1 Use high resolution images to make them truly want to stay with you. Your photos must be of high quality. 2 Describe your property’s history, services and facilities. Your accommodation is unique. That’s why your guests aren’t staying at large hotel chains! Highlight what makes your property special with Villa Rental high quality web page, and let guests feel like they are really getting to know you. 3 Simplify pricing. Display your hot deals quickly, and allow international guests to check your rates in the currency of their choice. Smooth out the payment process A lot of travelers abandon your website at this point. – Totally secure. Two thirds of US travelers are nervous about being redirected to pay. – Simple. 63% of Chinese travelers say an overly complex payment page frustrates them. Increase your Bookings Easy to use and dependable booking engine technology for direct bookings The simple grid display coupled with two click booking process will attract and enable visitors to book instantly with your property. Significantly increase direct bookings with eZee Reservation’s stable booking technology and 24X7 access. Furthermore, quick booking summary shows all the relevant details on the same screen. Easy to use grid display Multiple room bookingsEasy and Fast booking process Quick booking summary Customization Freedom Freedom to customize every detail to match your website eZee Reservation seamlessly blends with your website and every little detail can be customized to match the look and feel.... Read more »
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