Hi __________? This is _______ with ___________ , you may have heard of us. We are one of the online directories in Houston, Texas. Real briefly, the reason for the call is, In an effort to expand our representation in the Houston area, for a limited time, we are giving away absolutely free professionally custom designed space, as a GIFT to all the local Houston Restaurants / Travel Agents (since Houston is famous for it) such as _____ and ______ and a few others… (give popular local examples) I just needed to call and ask a couple of questions to make sure we get the info on your free listing right… (Now go right into assuming the close and start asking questions) I have you down as being located at ________________ is that correct? (If they say “Yes”, or give you the correct info, then you have their initial interest) Great, and just to make sure we represent you properly…let me ask you a few more quick questions…Did you folks have any particular company colors you wanted us to use on your home page? (If they give you a color, they are really on the line) Great, and does your company have a slogan? Okay great. And __________ how long have you been in business there? Okay great, that’s important for visitors to know… And are you a corporate branch, or independently owned and operated? Okay I will jot that down…a lot of people see family owned businesses as more attractive to do business with… Do you offer any special services that you want listed on your web page? Okay great. The more detail we can offer the better. Okay and what are your office hours? (If they are still answering at this point, they are hooked and almost ready to transition to the “close”) Now _______ once your web page starts getting visitors they are going to need a way to contact you through your site… do you want us to use a phone number as your main contact, or include a form your page that they can fill out to submit to you via email, or both? Good deal. By the way, if you receive email on your phone you can get a message alert every time a visitor fills out the contact form, That way you never miss a customer… (Prospect is thinking “cool”!) And ________ What... Read more »
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