Ever since the beginning of Templatic, way back in 2008., we’ve been focused only on making themes. Although our themes changed during this time, the business model stayed roughly the same. 5 years is a long time in any business, on the Internet – it’s a whole era. What we’re introducing today are installation services that will make getting started easier for beginners. These come in two variants: Free – available for those that signed up with our recommended hosts. $25 – available to everyone else. After you purchase this installation service (or claim it for free) you’ll provide the necessary login information (cPanel info) and we’ll get to work. Detailed instructions will also be provided inside the email you’ll receive after purchasing or claiming the service. You can expect everything installed within 24 hours. What is included inside the deal? WordPress install Theme install Some sample posts, categories, pages, products (in eCommerce themes) Setup of some widgets in proper widget areas so that you can simply start editing the content of it Basic theme options setup And don’t worry, these services will change nothing in terms of support. If you contact us with problems with installing the theme, we’ll fix them just like we did so far.
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