AdSense is great, It’s a popular way to make additional income through Google Adsense from your Business Directory or any other site for that matter. It’s ideal to keep the Adsense as relevant as possible to your site theme for better conversion rate. Learn who is your customer better and set the pitch accordingly. If you don’t know, let me tell you there are plenty of bloggers and directory owners out there who as on date make quite decent money through Google Adsense. You can make about a $100 per day through only Google Adsense. Now if you haven’t heard much about Google Adsense, no worries, in this article I will share with you how to start from scratch. What is Google AdSense? earns most of its revenue by accepting other website owners to advertise on their search results pages. All of this is managed through a program that’s called AdWords (pay per click marketing). In Google search engine you would have noticed these ads displayed above the free/organic results and along the right side of the page on These are called Sponsored Ads, and the advertisers are paying a certain amount of money per click to display these ads at this place. It’s basically an auction-based system. It allows advertisers to compete for those spots. Whomever has the highest bid and most “quality” ad, gets the top spot and so forth. Google shares an opportunity to earn a portion from this revenue that it makes from AdWords by displaying these same text or image ads on your site. When someone clicks, you earn a portion of the click and Google gets the rest. The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount. This program is called AdSense. AdSense is a nice way to monetize your traffic, and very easy to implement. What are the benefits of using AdSense? One of the direct benefits of AdSense is the fact that it is a legitimate advertisement program by Google. When we talk about making money from a blog, the easiest method of doing so is to put AdSense on your blog and start writing content. When people click on the AdSense ads posted on your blog, you will earn money. (Remember to avoid clicking on your own ads, as this is a violation of AdSense policies.) AdSense is a contextual ad network, which means that ads will... Read more »
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