We’ve published a few posts recently about the importance of creating content for your website. It doesn’t matter whether you’re running a directory, vacation rental or eCommerce website, content will play a key role in your ability to attract new visitors. The objective could be one of many things — boosting product sales, enticing advertisers or establishing yourself as an authoritative source in your niche. Since you’re here reading this, let’s assume that you already understand all that. But unfortunately, creation is only one-half of the battle. The other half involves promotion. You need to make sure that your target audience actually sees what you’re publishing, or really, what’s the point? In this post, we’re going to cover five ways to promote what you publish. Making sure that the time and effort you’re putting into creating valuable content does not go to waste. Share Your Content on Social Media I know this seems to be an obvious choice. Doesn’t everyone promote their content on social media already? Well, yes and no. Most of the time promoting content on social media involves copying a URL and pasting it into a social media update with a little snippet of additional text. It’s a great start but there is so much more you could be doing: Make it easy for visitors to share content via social media. If your blog doesn’t have social sharing buttons you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to have other people promote your content. You should also think about making it easy for visitors to share images and tweet valuable quotes directly from within your content. Use a free plugin like Tweet This. You’ve probably noticed how much your organic social reach has dropped over the past 2-3 years. To counter this declining reach, consider running paid campaigns on Facebook or Twitter to promote your most popular content. You can target new visitors or use retargeting to get in front of people who have already visited your site in the past. Also, don’t forget to promote evergreen content that you published a few months ago. Another strategy you’re probably not taking full advantage of is participating in groups. Facebook has no shortage of communities that you can get involved in. As long as the audience is relevant and you’re contributing to the greater good of the community, you’ll probably find that nobody minds if you promote content. And... Read more »
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