The complete package… 5 Star is a hotel booking theme with extensive booking functionality. It provides all the tools necessary to create a modern hotel website that feels, works and looks professional. It’s powered by two plugins; our base Tevolution plugin and a Tevolution add-on called Templatic Booking. Both plugins are provided for free with each 5 Star purchase! Key features Showcase your house/hotel Your site design should always reflect the quality of the property and 5 Star has got you covered. Each part of the theme has been designed to not only work, but to also look great. Online booking Don’t rely on third-party services and scripts, enable bookings directly on your site. You as admin can approve or reject any booking claim submitted by visitors. Completely widgetized The beautiful 5 Star homepage is created with a number of custom widgets. Swapping elements or including new ones is as easy as drag n’ drop, literally. Customize the booking form Include the fields you want inside the front-end booking form. Apart from a few mandatory fields (room select), most of it is totally customizable. Add services Want to charge extra for stuff like parking or WiFi? Add service in the back-end, set the price and they’ll appear as options inside the booking form. Create a multilingual site Use WPML to setup a multilingual hotel website where visitors can change the default language per their requirements. Seasonal prices Do your prices change depending on time of year? If yes, we’ve got you covered. Set a timeframe + new price and the system will take care of the rest. Extensive booking calendar In 5 Star each room you add will come with a matching availability calendar allowing visitors to clearly see which dates are taken and which are available. Setup promotions using coupons The included coupon module will allow you to offer discounts on your regular booking rates. An optional coupon field appears by default inside the booking form. Maintain a regular ol’ blog No worries, we didn’t forget about the blog. Starting a blog with this advanced theme is as easy as creating a new category and adding some posts to it, no further tweaking necessary. The power of Tevolution Tevolution is a plugin we use to power our advanced app themes. It can be used as a standalone product but works best coupled with themes such as 5 Star. Tevolution... Read more »
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