In this article, we will be covering a few basic tips and simple steps to help achieve better results with SEO for WordPress Sites. The guidelines are intended to be used in conjunction with some of the previous Top 10 SEO Tips article and several other basic rules which will be covered in the coming articles. Before we jump to some of the technical steps of how to optimize a WordPress website, let’s first set our sights on the target. We shall assume you are computer shop that sells PCs, laptops, printers as well as computer peripherals and you are based Hounslow, London, UK. It’s important to first research the targeted readership which will sometimes include a location as in this example. A computer shop in a London suberb will be hoping to get people who live in the area or surrounding areas through its doors to buy or fix a computer. In the case of this example business website, knowing what location, product and services it needs to be optimizing for is the key element on the road to SEO success. Now, that we have set our sights on the target with the product and its location we are focused on, let’s rapidly cover some needed SEO copywriting tips. These steps will make sure your optimization work will not go in vain for not complimenting it with some good, rich content. Starting with the homepage of the site, it would be ideal if you make its ‘Meta Title’ look something like this: Notice how the nature of business and location has been placed at the start of the ‘Meta Title’? This is an important step as it emphasizes the importance of those words for search engines. Once a page with this title is spidered, the bot will see those words as the most relevant to what the site must be about. Straight after those major keywords that we have included in the title to explain ‘What’ and ‘Where’ we are, let’s move on. The products have been strategically placed focusing on the main products and services a computer shop would mostly be providing. Next comes the ‘Meta Description Tag’, which contains the most important aspects of the business. The same as the title, the emphasis has been placed on the type of business, location, products and services. The most important thing to do now as far as valuable SEO... Read more »
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