Show your mobile app to the world iPhone App WordPress theme is designed to help developers showcase their mobile apps. It features a fully responsive design meaning it will look great for both mobile and desktop visitors. What’s more, the theme comes with full WooCommerce compatibility meaning you can turn it into a fully functionality web store within minutes. Key features Multiple slider layouts iPhone App theme allows you to choose from 5 different slider styles: iPhone horizontal/vertical, Android horizontal/vertical and BlackBerry. Mobile friendly iPhone App has been designed to look great on all devices; from computers to phones. On each visit the theme will resize itself to accommodate the visitors screen size. Unlimited color options Customizing iPhone Apps looks is possible from the back-end, by using the WordPress customizer. The changes you make will happen in real-time! Completely widgetized The beautiful iPhone App homepage is created with a number of custom widgets. Swapping elements or including new ones is as easy as drag n’ drop, literally. Sell products Use the free WooCommerce plugin to actually sell your app or any other product. Several product types are provided, including physical, digital and affiliate. Automatic updates The days of struggling with theme files are over. This feature will allow you to update the theme right from the WordPress dashboard, much like you would update a plugin or WordPress itself. Maintain a regular ol’ blog No worries, we didn’t forget about the blog. Starting a blog with this advanced theme is as easy as creating a new category and adding some posts to it, no further tweaking necessary. Slider videos Need a video to demonstrate what your app is about? Not a problem…enter the embed code from YouTube or Vimeo to show the video. Mega menu support Mega menus allow you to go beyond simple dropdown menus and introduce structures with multiple columns. Visit the demo and hover over “Shop” to see it in action. Wide variety of shortcodes To help customize your pages and posts iPhone App comes with a wide selection of shortcodes. They range from simple alert boxes to advanced tabs and popovers. The best theme support around By purchasing this theme you will get access to our community forums; the primary area for receiving support at Templatic. Our team consists of both youngsters looking to expand their knowledge and skillful WordPress veterans. Forums are actively maintained by our... Read more »
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