Events directory done right Events (aka Events v2) is the most complete WordPress events directory theme available today. It provides all the tools necessary to run a modern directory website with its event management features, built-in monetizaton and Google Maps support. This theme will enable you to do three main things: showcase events, make money and look awesome while doing it. Key features Recurring events Along with creating a regular ol’ event, Events theme allows you to create recurring onesas well. Set a global start/end date and then define the occurrence. Allow visitors to submit events In case your directory needs to be user-driven, Events theme has got you covered. Not only can you enable user submissions, you can also monetize them by creating price packages. Widgetized homepage Customizing the homepage is easy as drag n’ drop, literally. Widgets allow you to populate the homepage with various content while still preserving that clean and beautiful look. Google Maps To make events easier to find you can use maps. Maps are shown on category and detail pages by default. You can also create your own by using the included map page template. Customize the submission forms Each field you see inside the event submission form can be modified from the theme’s extensive back-end section. Creating new ones is possible as well. Facebook integration Using third-party plugins such as OA Social Login you’ll be able to provide an alternative login method to your visitors. Pulling events from Facebook is also possible. Translate Events Events comes with a language file (.po) you can use to translate the theme. In case you haven’t done this before we’ve prepared a tutorial that will help you get started. RSVP to submitted events Both you and your visitors will have an option to confirm attendance of a particular event. Each event selected as attending will be visible inside the user front-end dashboard. Maintain a regular ol’ blog No worries, we didn’t forget about the blog. Starting a blog with this advanced theme is as easy as creating a new category and adding some posts to it, no further tweaking necessary. Setup promotions using coupons The included coupon module will allow you to offer discounts for created price packages. This will for sure come in handy early in the sites’s life-cycle. How to make money with Events? Price package power The primary way to make money with this... Read more »
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