Want to create a website but don’t have enough time for it? Buy one of our themes, choose a service plan listed below and let us handle the installation. Our vision at Templatic has always been to make online presence quick, easy and affordable. If you’re low on time or having trouble with WordPress, just contact us and we’ll get you started in a few hours. $39 Basic Installation Theme install Required plugin installs Adding sample data Buy Now $59 Pro Installation All benefits included in the Basic Installation WordPress install Logo image upload Adding a sample navigation menu Buy Now $149 Premier Installation All benefits included in the Pro Installation An hour worth of tweaks by a WordPress expert1 Buy Now 1 Tweaks, explained By purchasing the Premier package you’ll receive 1-on-1 help from Vedran, our community manager and primary installation expert. The tweaks can range from color adjustments, removing design elements and even smaller PHP changes. This service does not include adding new features. For major theme changes check out our recommended developers page. The service can also be used for consultations. All communication is included in the billable hour so plan your desired tweaks ahead of time and be specific while setting tasks. If you have questions for Vedran about this service just send him an email. Important notes
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