After creating a directory site, making it popular and devising a monetizing strategy are the most challenging tasks for most owners. A good strategy is to allow visitors to post basic listings for free (with limited content) and charge extra for premium listings that enable visitors to enter more content. Directory theme comes with a bunch of money-making features built in. Fields Monetization however, takes it to the next level. With this add-on you’ll be able to… Connect custom fields with price packages Have more control over the text fields – set your own character limit Set the number of allowed images for each price package Custom fields + price packages = awesomeness As mentioned earlier, the ability to differentiate available content is a good way to generate revenue. With Fields Monetization add-on there is nothing stopping you from creating a Basic package with fields such as name, address or short description. At the same time you can have a Premium package that also offers fields for entering the company logo, website or Facebook. You can have an unlimited number of these, each with its own set of unique fields. By connecting price packages and custom fields (i.e. installing the add-on) you will change the way the submission process works. Instead of selecting the price package at the bottom of the submission form, visitors will now select it at the very top, before the other fields even show. Since the category is also selected during this step, visitors will know the amount they must pay to submit a listing even before they actually start entering the fields. Control the images and text fields Tevolution allows you to control the maximum upload size within the submission form, but that’s about it in terms of image control. With Fields Monetization add-on you’ll be able to set the number of allowed images for each price package. Using the example from above, you can setup the Basic price package to only allow 1 image, with the Premium package allowing up to 5 images to be uploaded. After selecting a text field to show within a particular price package you will also have the ability to set the character count for each of them. With this small feature you can limit the description visitors are allowed to enter about their business. Just like with images and fields in general, by paying more visitors can enter... Read more »
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