Back when Directory was released we tried to emphasize the fact that design and features will only get better with time. Up until now a total of 6 add-ons were released. I’d say the time is right to introduce Emblem, the first Directory child theme! Emblem is an ideal choice if you feel like the original Directory design needs a little spicing up. With its creative backgrounds, fonts and buttons, Emblem feels like a different theme. The focus of the homepage isn’t the map, instead it’s a big and customizable slider. Listing details within individual pages have been redesigned so they are easier to read and navigate. Adding a review is also more enjoyable due to the new horizontal approach. Child theme pricing Because of their dependency on Directory, child themes will be priced differently than other Templatic themes. For starters, the prices will start at $39 and vary depending on the child themes’ feature set. Another big change is the license. Instead of two different license types (standard and developer), child themes will instead inherit the license purchased for Directory (the parent theme). In other words, if you opted for the unlimited use (developer) license for Directory, the same license will be applied to the child theme as well. Another cool change is the inclusion of bundles. Each child theme can be purchased individually or within a Directory bundle. Bundles make getting both the parent and child theme more affordable. Also, for a limited time period we will be offering pro installation service for free with each Emblem + Directory developer bundle purchase. As hinted earlier, Emblem is just the beginning. You will see more Directory child themes over the next few months. Some of them will also seek to introduce features that complement the new design. However, we’ll save the details for some other time :) View Live Demo, take a Test Drive or Purchase Emblem
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