You read that right. After months of hard work, Directory theme version 2 is finally here. Instead of bloating the theme with lots of features, we focused on improving performance & usability of Directory theme. Lots of changes were made which makes things simpler and more organised. Let me introduce some of those changes… Directory 2 is a free upgrade for all existing Directory owners and Club members. A new submission process Listing submission process has been optimised in order to make it simpler and shorter. Submit Listing and similar forms now have a clear, four step submission process. Unlike Directory 1 where authors selected the price package at the bottom, now they’ll be selected at the top. This is because direct links to price packages are now available. This allows you to link to a specific price package from anywhere on the site. It also means you can create a nice pricing table on a separate page with action buttons linked to corresponding price packages. Open the Tevolution guide for more info on how this works. The submission page also comes with a new and improved Select image field. Along with clicking on a button and choosing the image, now you can drag the image to the box in order to initiate the upload. For the sake of full disclosure I should mention that this doesn’t work in Internet Explorer :) Address is another submission field that received a major update. Instead of typing in your address and clicking on “Set address on map”, the field will now suggest addresses as you type. The behavior is similar to the search field on the Google Maps website. Once you stop typing it will automatically show your address on the map, no need to press any buttons. As usual, after the pin is inserted in the map you’re free to move it around in order to accurately pinpoint the location. Last but not least is one of the most requested tweaks for Directory, the ability to change the category while editing the listing (in the front-end). Price package improvements Making you more money has always been our priority in all our products. This newer version makes price packages more flexible and practical. The previous Directory version was already pretty robust when it comes to the monetization aspect. Most of the improvements we ended up doing were picked up from the wishlist... Read more »
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